Large US Healthcare Insurance Association
Our client was engaged in an acquisition that consumed many of their core team resources. They sought to back-fill a key finance manager position to assist in the annual budgeting and planning process as well as perform ad hoc strategic analyses. The client retained LevelX to back fill the position until a suitable permanent placement could be found.
Role / Actions
- Coordinated with planning team to streamline the planning document submission and consolidation process
- Developed training curriculum to improve non-finance budget submitters’ understanding of the planning process, their role in it, and how planning fits the achievement of the objectives of the organization
- Developed methodology to analyze program costs along client’s strategic threads in order to discover potential cost-synergy opportunities
- Provided optimized planning templates and consolidation processes
- Developed and lead BAF training with emphasis on using the budgeting process as part of a portfolio management tool to ensure stakeholders achieve their objectives
- Produced program priority list for potential cost overlaps between divisions within specific strategic threads